Maromix produces Geodesic Domes for the first time as the first producer in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.
Why will geodesic domes spread in Saudi Arabia?
It provides an attractive appearance and a magical and distinctive environment that mimics the universe, and is in line with the magic of the desert to replace desert tents with its amenities that suit the Kingdom’s aspirations to be the preferred tourist destination. It also represents ideal buildings as they have found for sites such as Al-Ula, Neom, luxurious desert camping that attracts tourists.

Due to the lack of angles, the temperatures inside are equal throughout them, making the air circulation inside them unobstructed. Experts agree that geodesic domes are at least 30% more efficient in electricity than any other engineering construction, as well as saving in building materials and is fast-to-implement.
Geodesic domes are the best insulated and use artificial lighting to distinguish and reflect on all sides of the dome, and in winter they help store heat due to the utilization of solar radiation flowing inside them from glass windows.
Geodesic domes offer unlimited options in design and interior decoration to suit the environment in which they are placed and to suit the aspirations of each investor. You can rely on Moromix to implement your unique project.

Maromix is proud to be the first and only company to design and build 100% Cite domes within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Maromix is also the only company that can design all other facilities such as kitchens, cabinets, Saudi heritage sofa and all the needs of modern bathrooms, bedrooms and interior decoration.
Maromix is keen on providing high-quality products and innovative designs to meet our customers’ needs, using our long experience in this field. We work to provide solutions according to customers’ requirements and according to each need separately to provide geodesic domes that are distinguished by quality and durability to meet the requirements for which they are built.
The domes will meet the needs of the tourism and service sectors, in line with achieving the goals of Vision 2030 and supporting sustainable development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.